Resistance and plyometric training for optimal performance in youth soccer players
Contenido principal del artículo
In youth soccer, systematic resistance training can significantly improve performance. Often, this type of training is carried out during the preparatory season and is interrupted or diminishes its emphasis during the competitive season. The objective of this study was to assess the effectiveness of three consecutive mesocycles of combined resistance training (weightlifting and plyometrics in the first two, plyometrics and changes of direction in the third) to achieve continuous improvements in sprinting, vertical jumps, and changes of direction in male youth soccer players. Eighteen soccer players, with an age of 14.1 ± 0.3 years and no previous experience in structured resistance training, were the subjects of the study. Before and after each mesocycle, athletes were tested in countermovement jump (CMJ), 5m sprint, 10m sprint, 15m sprint, 20m sprint, and change of direction (505 test). Additionally, performance was assessed in specific exercises used in each mesocycle, including squats, Bulgarian squats, unilateral and bilateral hip thrusts, and unilateral and bilateral horizontal jumps (single and multiple). Performance improvements were observed in all analyzed variables across the three mesocycles (p ≤ 0.05), except for CMJ (p > 0.05) in the last mesocycle. Considering that these improvements were attained with relatively low loads compared to those reported in similar interventions with this population, it is inferred that this strategy holds the potential to yield sustained performance enhancements throughout the entire year of training for young soccer players lacking prior experience in resistance training.
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